Mēkā at Singapore Polytechnic Open house from 8th to 11th Jan.
I spent about 4 days at Singapore Polytechnic. These are pictures from Day 1, where there was a keynote lecture by Prof Chua Chee Kai, who is the Chair at Nanyang Technological University’s School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Prof Chua gave an introduction to 3D printing and had some Laser sintered metal products on hand to show off. I brought down the Tricolor Mendel, which unfortunately had two blown heater cartridges, so it was not working perfectly. Nonetheless, you could see the excitement in peoples faces and many of the attendees, mostly from the maritime industry, were very interested in the potential applications of 3D Printing. Over the next few days, I had a chance to get to know many students from Singapore Polytechnic. There is a very healthy entrepreneurial spirit within the engineering department. These students also have some very good ideas and they do have the skills to bring these ideas to life. I hope the students find it in them to make a difference after they graduate. And I also think I made a few friends over those 3 days exhibiting at the Fab Lab. All in all, it was a very tiring but fulfilling few days.
Originally written on 13th January 2014.